Monday, February 21, 2011

The Adjustment Bureau (Full Review)

This past Wednesday, I disguised myself as a college student and attended a sneak preview of the upcoming Matt Damon thriller/action/drama The Adjustment Bureau in the Indiana University Whittenberger Auditorium. Let me tell you, this event was definitely worth becoming "human," even if for a little over two hours.

Prior to the screening, I had heard a little buzz for this film, so I checked out the trailer. At first glance, the movie feels like a crazy hybrid of the Matrix and one of the Bourne movies: A secret organization of what seems to be government agents has the power to change human behavior, and now they are chasing the only guy who knows the truth: Matt Damon's character, New York politician David Norris. As the film unfolds, however, this theory is discredited in favor some much more original flavor.

Now, without spoiling the entire movie, let me try and get you hooked. David Norris is a refreshing young face on the New York political scene. During his campaign for office, he runs across Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt), a dancer who reminds him what a life outside of politics might be. The two part after a brief moment, but reunite several months later. However, Fate has predetermined that these two are not meant to be. When Norris walks in on a coworker being given time-stop reprogramming by the Agents of Fate, he is told to forget all about it and continue living his life without telling anyone, or his gets wiped. Permanently. But he also learns this: Fate has predetermined that he and Elise are not meant to be, no matter the connection they feel. Norris must choose: The woman he is falling in love with, or his political career. What transpires is a desperate race to avoid the Agents of Fate, The Adjustment Bureau, and to prove that humans are capable of choosing their own destiny.

Overall, I really enjoyed this movie, more than any prior Matt Damon movie (I don't count Ocean's 11, and lets be honest, the sequels don't count to anyone).  The storyline, while based on Phillip K. Dick's short story "Adjustment Team," is different kind of movie, not at all Matrix/Bourne mutant, but an "action" movie with elements of romance, drama, and humor. The action isn't over-the-top, but always bubbling just under the line  of panic on the part of Damon and Blunt, two actors who have amazing on-screen chemistry, both in romantic and dramatic settings. Furthermore, the film does get a leg up thanks to many seamless transitions during chase scenes motivated by doors which transport a person miles with the turn of a knob. You will have to see it to understand! However, the entire thing can't be perfect. The only major complaint I have to voice is with the character of Richardson, a member of the Adjustment Bureau. While his fellow agents remain stoic and reluctant throughout, Richardson seems to serve as an unneeded source of comic relief, uttering expletives the second he becomes exasperated; unneeded, but not near enough to ruin this great film.

In "The Adjustment Bureau," Matt Damon frantically tries to defy Fate, something I personally can identify with. Does he succeed? Or lose his mind? I guess you will just have to see. Do I recommend you do? Let my rating speak for me:

4.5/5 Bolts.

P.S. Be sure to follow me, @ZeusGodofMovies on Twitter, or friend me, Zeus Cloud-Gatherer, on Facebook.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ratings Archive

Batman Forever 2.5/5 Bolts.

A Charlie Brown Christmas 4.5/5 Bolts.
Due Date 4/5 Bolts.  
Ghostbusters 4.5/5 Bolts.
Godzilla (1998) 2/5 Bolts. 
Gremlins 4/5 Bolts
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 3.5/5 Bolts.  
Disney's Hercules 3.5/5 Bolts
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 3.5/5 Bolts.  
How To Lose Friends And Alienate People 3/5 Bolts. 
Inception 3.5/5 Bolts.
Kick-Ass 4/5 Bolts.  
Mona Lisa Smile 3.5/5 Bolts. 
Legally Blonde 3/5 Bolts.   
Once 4/5 Bolts. 
Percy Jackson (atO): The Lightning Thief 2.5/5 Bolts. 
Pursuit of Happyness 4/5 Bolts.
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World 5/5 Bolts. 
Superbad 3/5 Bolts. 
Disney's The Three Muskateers 3/5 Bolts.  
Transformers (2007) 4/5 Bolts. 

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen 3/5 Bolts.
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 3/5 Bolts.

Zombieland 3.5/5 Bolts.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Tweet Archive

An Archive of my Review Tweets, that way you can see my reasons for for my ratings, as if I need to give you a reason. 

Zombieland: The American version of Shaun of the Dead, it emphasizes sex over romance and twinkies over beer, in a good way! 3.5/5 Bolts. 

Transformers (2007): The robots/transformations look great, the soundtrack is awesome, and the acting isn't TOO bad... 4/5 Bolts. 

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: From the music, to costumes, to effects, to atmosphere and supporting cast, this movie delivers. 5/5 Bolts.

Ghostbusters: As far as "paranormal activity" goes, it doesn't get any better than this. Funny, creepy, awesome. Period. 4.5/5 Bolts.

Disney's Hercules: Despite the tragic errors in the mythos, and the fact that my sons name is HERAKLES, I have to admit its fun! 3.5/5 Bolts

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: Explosions! Epic Robot Fights! Subpar acting! Decent Soundtrack! Hephaestus loves it. 3/5 Bolts. 

A Charlie Brown Christmas: A Christmas classic, the DVD has a great making of special feature. Glitter was a bit much. Watch it! 4.5/5 Bolts.

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse: Hera's morning breath is deadlier than these vamps, and that Jacob kid needs to learn to let go. At least it's better than 1 and 2. 3/5 Bolts.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1: Voldy plays Trump, Dobbys death not heavy enough. But I liked the movie! Its good! 3.5/5 Bolts. 

How To Lose Friends And Alienate People: Several touching momets are strung together with cringing. Simon Pegg fans, its worth it. 3/5 Bolts.

Once: Fantastic story, great emotion from the central characters. My one problem was the camera work, but I guess its "artsy." 4/5 Bolts. 

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Funny, great work by some of the UK's top acts, but where's the heart of the story? But good! 3.5/5 Bolts.  

Percy Jackson (atO): The Lightning Thief. Not sure why Sean Bean plays me like such a jerk. Poor book to movie translation. 2.5/5 Bolts.

Pursuit of Happyness: A father doing everything he can to take care of his son? I can understand that. A really touching movie. 4/5 Bolts.

Aphrodite begged me to watch Legally Blonde with her. It's a cute, funny movie filled with absolutely nothing that matters. 3/5 Bolts.  

Godzilla (1998) The scariest thing to hit the Jersey Shore prior to The Situation is the acting in this movie and the CGI dino. 2/5 Bolts.

Inception: Intriguing story, strong cast, great tech aspects. However, the characters are not easy to identify with emotionally. Morpheus was on edge the whole time. 3.5/5 Bolts.

Mona Lisa Smile: Hera didnt like the shots they took at monogamy, but I didn't see any problems! Great cast, good story. 3.5/5 Bolts.

Went to see Due Date. The guy carded me. SERIOUSLY? Anyway, its a funny, touching movie. Minus the self gratification. 4/5 Bolts. 

Fell asleep watching Batman Forever. I repeat, FELL ASLEEP. BF doesn't hold a candle to Dark Knight, but then again, what does? 2.5/5 Bolts.

Pros of Kick-Ass: A+ Music, Nick Cage spoofs himself, Tarantino worthy final gun fight. Cons: Was I watching "Superhero Movie?" 4/5 Bolts.

Too bad Disney ruined the Three Musketeers. Great cast, it had lots of potential. Too bad! 3/5 Bolts.  

Watched Superbad again. While there are some great one-liners that I will use at the next symposium, it really is "Super Bad" 3/5 Bolts.